Saturday 12 October 2013

Rally - Final night

It's all getting a bit fraught out there tonight. It's getting cold and damp, that means slippery and uncertain.

First to find that out was Peter Taylor. He spun the Focus on the slippery tarmac and gave away a minute to MacCrone. He's still second and still 4 mins clear of Bardy, so he's lost no position, but has he lost all hope of catching the leader?

Tony Bardy is third moving ahead of Eddie O'Donnell after his puncture, but Eddie has bounced back taking 5 secs off the Nissan pilot on the first stage of the night to close the gap to third place to just ONE second. Otherwise the top ten places remain very similar.

However there is a sting in the tail. The final stage of the night is the epic 22.5 mile thrash through Loch Tuath and over Calgary Bay. This is where legends can be made and reputations destroyed. Forget Corsica and the WRC, this is a real rally, although I might be ever so slightly biaised.

Provisional leaderboard after 16 (of 19) stages:
1, J MacCrone, 1h 49m 55s
2, P Taylor, 1h 52m 20s
3, T Bardy, 1h 56m 51s
4, E O'Donnell, 1h 56m 52s
5, T Pye, 1h 57m 47s
6, A Gardiner, 1h 58m 42s
7, L Gallagher, 1h 58m 49s
8, J Mounsey, 1h 59m 25s
9, R Cook, 2h 00m 26s
10, P Gibson, 2h 01m 09s

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