Saturday, 1 October 2011

Rally - Sair Heids in Aberfeldy

Well, the Forum was quite a success last night. The function room in the Moness Resort was full and the bar was busy. The Auction raised over £800 for 7 items and the donation buckets were full to bursting.

There was also an additional presentation when Justin and Debbie Hinchliffe presented Jim  McRae with a cheque for £6536 for the Colin McRae Vision charity. Justin and Debbie had organised a two day event in Wales for Subaru owners in July and raised the money there and from subsequent events afterwards. Tremendous.

The Forum itself was pretty good and the quote of the night came from Stig himself. When asked why he contested the Swedish Touring Car Championship in 1990 he said: “Ford would not pay me to go rallying so I went racing!” He won the Swedish Touring Car Championship that year. What a guy. Any fears beforehand that Stig would be quiet and shy were quickly dashed, he was on top form. So too was Jim McRae looking relaxed ahead of his Porsche run today. Phil Mills was good value too and David Bogie explained why he wouldn’t be doing the IRC Rally of Scotland next week in an S2000 car: “Hiring a car for three days including day’s testing would cost around £50,000 – and that was the best quote!”

What chance do talented youngsters have of moving up in the sport when supposedly affordable formulas are so expensive?

Anyway, after the fun it was down to the serious business of emptying the barrels and bottles behind the bar. It was like a swarm of dehydrated camels hitting an oasis. If anyone ever wonders what goes on behind the organisation of a rally they should join a club and help with the set up before the rally itself takes place.

There were a couple of sore heads amongst The Bears this morning. One in particular had spent the night talking to ‘Hu-ey’ on the big white telephone in the loo causing Fergus to comment: “He was slevverin’ like a poacher’s dug this morning.” But there he was, like the rest of them, wiring into a Moness bacon roll with brown sauce this morning.

It rained during the night, but it was still muggy and the early risers were greeted with mist shrouded hills when they went out to the forest in the early hours. Fingers crossed for a good day.

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