Thursday, 8 November 2012

Road - All American style

This was a Hyunda
The annual SEMA Show in Las Vegas closed its doors today after a week of typically American excess. Each year it pays tribute to the outrageous panel beating and painting extravagance of American automotive design.

It’s a trade only show and not open to the public and as such it attracts over 60,000 customising, race prep and tuning personalities and companies each year.

The cars (and vans and trucks) are only part of the show as this year it featured over 2,000 new tools and components to help customiser sand bodybuilders to practice their dark arts.

Whether you agree with it or not, you can’t fail to be impressed by the chrome, the paint and the detailing. In some cases the engineering is sound, but in most it is sumptuously wicked.

Now that's a Citroen 2CV

How could they do this to a Rolls?

Checkout the medallion on the bloke behind the air-bag model!

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