Friday, 11 October 2019

Rally - Weather report

"As long as the wind keeps up, it won't rain - - - as much!" so said James 'Jock the Bull' MacGillivray, and he should know, he's a farmer. I don't know whether to be comforted or concerned. The rain has been relentless at times and everyone on the island is sure that at some point the 'One' up above will surely run out of waatter sooner rather than later. It even rained during the night which begs the question, how does it know where to land when the sun is switched off? There is one side benefit though, it's keeping the midges at bay ... Mind you this weather will be appreciated by some, like Ross Hunter (35) for instance. This is the only way he can hope to keep the bigger cars in sight. He can make that FWD Peugeot 205 dance in the rain - even with its 100,000 mile ex taxi Xantia engine! ... On the other hand, Stephen Thompson (15) is no fan of the wet, especially with his new Irish 2 litre engine in the Mk2. He stressed the word 'Irish' which I take to mean it's bluidy quick ... One lad who will feel at home though is Lewis Griffiths. The Welshman is co-driving for Innes Mochrie (124) in the Rover Metro. Lewis has never been this far north before but at least the weather will be familiar. And why is Lewis co-driving for Innes and not his daughter Kirsty? A word of warning, don't approach Kirsty unless you've had a full breakfast. She is 2 months and 6 days too young to co-drive for her Dad on this event. Annoyed? Curse? She could make a sailor blush. Speaking of the Mochrie clan, I just happened to see them do their 'weekly shop' at the Co-op yesterday in Tob. When they left the shop the bags were making an awfy tinkling sound, like glass bottles and sloshing as opposed to the crackle of corn flakes and crisps. Maybe that's why the wee Metro is so bluidy quick.

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