Friday, 11 October 2019

Rally - Done and dusted

That’s scrutineering over and all the signing-on completed ready for the start of the 2019 Beatson’s Mull Rally at 7pm tonight (Friday) and it’s still bluidy raining, although there have been a few periods when it has stopped, just to draw breath and start all over again. So if you think it’s bad for spectators and for drivers tonight, spare a thought for the marshals. They also serve who only stand and wait – for crews ... One of the last cars through the Scroots arch announced its arrival by the healthy beat of a flat four, wrapped up in a Focus WRC ‘shell. The Arbuthnott boys (157) had arrived. “We were 28th reserve on the list when it was completed,” said Sandy, “so we’re surprised and delighted to be here.” The car was looking good too, courtesy of a re-paint after its front n/s damage at the last Crail. “It took us longer to get on the boat at Lochaline than it did to drive there from Elgin,” said Sandy, “we were in the queue for 5 hours.” ... Also making a late arrival was the glorious sounding Jaguar V6 engined Audi TT of Graham McDonald which had suffered a serious engine malfunction at Ingliston earier in the year and was no back in full voice ... Kevin MacIver (101) was another late arrival having set out from his digs to be in Tobermory for just after noon, but the starter motor broke on its way there. Still they got it fixed in time ... However, there is a bit more concern in the Runciman (139) camp. When Mark lifted the bonnet on his arrival at Scrutineering there was steam coming out of the front of the BMW engine. The car blew a head gasket on last year’s Beatson’s Mull Targa and then again on the more recent Saltire Rally, so a brand new gasket had been fitted ahead of Mull. Here’s hoping they get it fixed before 7pm tonight ... another needing some TLC will be Drew Gallagher (56), he smacked the front end of the Mk2 at the Shakedown this morning but Big Hamish is on the case and says it‘ll be fixed well in time ... And finally, for those of a squeamish and sensitive nature, don’t read any further. When Dave Holland (64) returned to his car, his dog had beaten him to it, and left evidence of a dietary problem. Not for Dave the simple job of pooper scooper removal, this was more of a Wet Wipe and rubber gloves job, as the dog had suffered a severeal dose of the skitters putting Dave on Diarrhoea Duty! And the good news? It wasn’t the rally car. I wonder who will be driving the road car home, eh?

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