Saturday, 16 June 2012

Rally - from Camaro to Crail

I didn’t manage to update the Blog yesterday, it was a busy old day. Chevrolet was hosting an event for Scottish motoring journalists and had brought a variety of cars to Dunblane for us to sample, including the one pictured here, a Chevrolet Camaro and the roads were wet! And it was a left hooker!

Just as impressive, but for different reasons, was the Volt, Chevrolet’s award winning electrically powered saloon car. Although it has a petrol engine as well, it doesn’t actually drive the wheels, it just charges up the batteries – and it’s got a Sports mode. If that’s the future, then the future might not be as bad as we all fear.

Now at Crail, where the first two stages (of 6) of the rally have been completed and the front runners are out on Stages 3 and 4 at present.

Tom Morris leads in his Metro on 20 mins 38s, followed by
John Rintoul, Lancer, 21m 08s
Chris Collie, Impreza, 21m 11s
Dale Robertson, Lancer, 21m 15s
Bruce Edwards, Darrian, 21m 18s
Alistair Inglis, Lancer, 21m 19s
Bob Grant, Impreza, 21m 30s
Peter Taylor, Focus WRC, 22m 10s
Alistair Graham, Escort MkII, 22m 10s
Jock Threadgall, Impreza, 22m 15s

But Peter Taylor won’t be going any further, the centre diff broke in the new car.

And by goad it’s dreich here just now. It was really wet this morning but the rain has relented although it’s still wet and blowing gustily. Ideal for staying indoors.

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