Thursday, 12 September 2013

Rally - Bum deal from MSA?

Effective next year, rally car competition seats will have to be 'lifed' whether the rally car is used once a year or a dozen times a year. Apparently there was no single rule which could be written which would have addressed all the issues taking into account seat construction, materials degradation, frequency of use, type of use (competition / demonstration / road use) or whether the seat was moved between cars, as some drivers do.

The MSA today has issued a Technical Bulletin which states that from 1st January 2014, all stage rally cars will have to comply with Regulation (R)48.10.6 which states: “[Cars must] Be fitted with front seats that are currently FIA homologated complying with K2.2, with appropriate seat mountings and Section K Appendix 2 Drawing number 32.”

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