Friday, 23 September 2011

Road - Happiness is Transit Shaped

Happy days will soon be here again. Got a call from the Ford Motor Company yesterday informing me that my new long term appraisal vehicle is ready for collection.

It's six months since the previous LWB, RWD, 2.4 litre Transit was returned to Ford (with a glowing report card) and it will now be replaced with a MWB, FWD, 2.2 litre Transit.

No doubt this will become as familiar a sight on Scottish rallies next year as the previous one, so it's a one-way BA ticket to London tomorrow and a long drive back. It will also be a slow drive. I'm 'old school' and still believe in 'running-in' a new motor.

I'm not quite sure what the spec of the new van will be. I know what I requested, so fingers crossed.

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