There’s good news from the Merrick this morning. Yesterday I referred to an incident on the final stage, after which some competitors were given a Notional Time.
The incident in question was an accident which befell Dougal Brown and Lewis Rochford. Their Mitsubishi Lancer fell off the road on the final stage, but hit a rather stout tree stump. The Lancer and its cage absorbed the severe impact very well, although there were initial concerns about Dougal. He was in fact air-lifted to Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary where he has been detained.
It would appear that Dougal has escaped serious injury, and Lewis too is OK, so we wish them both well.
At the delayed prizegiving in Wigtown Town Hall later that evening, Rally Manager Allan Marshall said: "I would like to praise and thank all the emergency services, rescue units and marshals who were at the scene. The major incident plan kicked into gear very quickly. Everything was on the scene of the incident in under 15 minutes, and the casualty was removed in under 30 minutes".
I also got the final results slightly wrong in my final bulletin yesterday when I omitted Chris Collie from the top ten round-up. He was wrongly reported to have stopped in the final stage, but no doubt there was some initial confusion about that following the accident. He actually finished sixth overall which pushed Jonny Greer down to the seventh.
There will be a full rally report on: late Monday night and the Classes roundup late Tuesday night.
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