Saturday, 3 September 2011

Rally - Wet-tish in Wigtown

It’s gey dreich in Wigtown this morning, there is a fine drizzle soaking the air, but it could be worse. Both Mike Faulkner and Euan Thorburn were in good fettle and chatting before the rally start outside Wigtown Town Hall.

But one thing I did notice was that although they chatted amicably they didn’t shake hands and wish each other well when they parted and went to their cars! In other words, the gloves are off.

Missing from the start line is Phillip Morrow. On the phone this morning he said: “I’m just too busy bat work at the moment. Things were very quiet during that last recession so now that business is on the turn again, you know what it’s like, everyone wants everything now. I had thought about getting the 12 noon boat yesterday but I was still flat out at work.”

First away was Steve Bannister in the historic MkII with Andy Kelly first time out in his brand new Mk1 running behind, and fresh back from Rally Hebrides is George Bryson in  his MkI - although the word 'fresh' is stretching it a bit, he still hasn't recovered from the social side of the Stornoway based event!

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