Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Road - Don't Lose Your Car

Have you ever left your car in an airport car park, and then forgotten where it was parked when you return? It's easy done given the size of these places these days, but there's a new free App for these infernal smartphones that might just help the old and doddery, or young and forgetful.

Not only will this new free app from National Car Parks find you a car park, it will show you how to get there. Developed by Mobikats, an Android version is available for download now.

In essence, the app shows you which of NCP’s 600 plus urban and airport car parks is closest to your chosen destination as well as mapping details of its location, costs of parking and precise directions on how to get there. It even provides walking directions to the terminal - y'know the big white building where you check in!

Even more worrying, given our booking-frazzled, memory-ravaged brains another trick feature will allow you to save the parked car location on a map as well as an image of the car and the slot it’s been parked in. On your return, just view the saved map and image of where the car has been parked to find it!

It's not finished yet. Eerily, users can simply hold their phone up and instantly see where their car is parked superimposed on a video camera feed from their phone! Is that cool - or threatening? 

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