Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Road - 'Cruze Brothers' Hit Town

And just to end the day with a smile, Chevrolet paid its own tribute to the ‘Bluesmobile’ when they unveiled their very own ‘Cruzemobile’ at a special gathering at the Ace Cafe in London the other night.

Also on hand to entertain the crowds at the late summer ‘all-American Cruise-in’ were the The Cruze Brothers, two music teachers from St Neots, Cambridgeshire.

Dave Wiggins (Joliet Jake) and James Proctor (Ellwood) have been touring together as a tribute band for the past two years, and perform a two-hour set that includes re-enacting scenes and dances from the movie – often referred to as Grease for blokes – as well as a live soul, rock and blues act.

In a word, they were ‘magic’, pure magic.

Chevrolet had decked out one of their Cruze models to look something like the original – all it lacked was a few dents, some rust, dirt and bubble gum wrappers. Nice to know that car companies still have a sense of humour in these straitened times.

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