Friday, 11 March 2016

Road - Ignition on

Now don't get too excited but there's a 'new' motor sporting show coming to Glasgow in August. That in itself is not the best part and nor is the fact that it's the folk behind the previous 'Top Gear Live' shows who are running it. It's not even the fact that the Stig will be appearing, but what makes this event just a wee bit more special is the fact that public roads around the SECC will be 'closed' to allow speed demonstrations to take place.

And yes I know Glasgow has closed public roads in the past for city centre cycling races and BTCC and Superbike demos ahead of Knockhill dates, but letting an F1 car loose on public roads will be another step forward.

Of course it will only be short stretches of public roads which will be closed, but it's yet another example of road closures which might benefit the sport more widely in the future. As we all know, the Jim Clark Rally is back in the forests this year because of the delayed Lord Advocate's report but the signs are genuinely encouraging for 2017. And this event in Glasgow can only help that cause.

The new event will be called 'Ignition' and will be run over the weekend of 5-7 August. In addition to 'on-track action' there will be displays of Colin McRae's cars, supercars and hypercars from Bugattis to Zondas, two-wheel machines from superbikes to custom cruisers, and a Classic and Vintage Hall.

One more thing. The show will not be fronted by those three post-pubescent Boy Scouts who hosted the Top Gear shows in the past. So it will be interesting to see which motormouths get the job this time - or maybe they'll just leave the whole gig to Stig!

Full text of Press Release here:

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