Monday, 30 April 2012

Rally - Dreich Day for a Dram

Kames this Monday morning was a cold, dreich, damp advert for Scotland, but there were smiles all round as the Scottish Malts passed through conducting a speed and agility test at the Ayrshire circuit.

Unlike the more regular diet of sprints and time trials, this was a most genteel form of motorsport with very little tyre squeal except when braking astride the white lines at the indicated parts of the circuit.
If there was little to savour in the way of speed and excitement, then the sound more than made up for it with crisp XKs, a gruff AC Cobra and wuffly Sunbeam Tiger, plus the mechanical symphony conducted by a 9hp Riley Brooklands, Talbot 105 Alpine Sports and a glorious 1938 Jaguar SS Sports Special.
Greeting the competitors was a huge crowd, well, about 20 foolhardy souls leaning into the biting wind, but they mostly enjoyed the sights, sounds and spectacle of all our yesterdays.

The big surprise was the number of furriners with competitors from the Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Norway and even the USA taking part alongside the domestic crews.

There were a few gaps in the entry list even at this stage, whether the first two tests at the Turnbery start this morning had caught out some folk or they had simply got lost in the hinterlands of Ayrshire, who knows, but those who made it had a good wheech round the Kames track.

I also had a quick chat with some of the travelling Marshals. It would appear that this event brings its own stalwarts to man, and woman, the tests and only uses local car club enthusiasts where there is a need to use local facilties. So these Marshals have their own tour of Scotland as they man two and three tests per day along the route.

If there was one drawback, the ladies in the Kames Cafe only had bacon rolls – no pies!

The grin says it all really!

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