Monday, 30 September 2019

Road - SCoTY 2019

The 2019 Scottish Car of the Year awards ceremony will take place in  early November and, as ever, at this time of year there is quite a rush to drive and assess those cars the 15 judges might have missed during the past 12 months. The job was completed yesterday with a run in one of Ford's finest to Duns and back. Not to see the museum, but to attend a pre-Jim Clark Memorial Rally meeting.

If anyone still thinks that organising a Closed Road Stages Rally is easier and cheaper than organising a forest rally, a listen-in to one of those meetings will blow all those preconceptions into the weeds. Over two hours the 'To-Do' list was gone through in fine detail by the Chair and the amount of work undertaken by every delegate around that table prompted one silent question: "How the heck do they all fit that in with their days jobs!" They'll meet again shortly to discuss progress and what is yet to be done. My bunnet off to each and every one of them.

But back to the day job. Last week was pretty frantic with a fleet of the automotive industry's latest four wheeled temptations to get through and appraise. A tough job, but someone's got to do it, eh?

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