Monday, 20 July 2020

Motor Sport Returns

James Jones
Good craic at Kames yesterday, but somehow strange. There was tyre smoke and squealing tyres, sliding cars and flattened cones. Just what you'd expect – usually, but there were no spectators. Also, no large family groups and fewer team personnel and club members. 

Still, the competition was good, although some took it more seriously than others! After 16 long weeks, it was a chance to let off steam – or smoke rather!

James Jones won the event in a 1400cc Volkswagen Lupo while new Dad, Derek Connell was second in a 1300cc Nissan Micra. Marc McCubbin was 3rd in his 2 litre Ford Focus, but was hampered by a flare-up of gout in his right foot – the go faster one. That’s a new one, eh?

That the event ran at all in these strange times proved to be a triumph of common sense and perseverance over ignorance and bureaucracy. 

The full behind the scenes story will be told here shortly.

Derek Connell

Marc McCubbin

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