Saturday, 3 March 2012

Rally - Nutter!

Note the sign on the roof too
I couldn't resist this one. Andrew Wheatley's team turned up at Scrutinneering last night with some new decals and signs on the bright yellow Ford Fiesta. According to the boys, it was all Andrew's idea and hopefully I'll get a word with him during the day, but the only excuse they could offer, was: "he's a few spanners short of a toolbox."

One of the first folk I bumped into last night was Malcolm Wilson Motorsport's workshop manager, Arthur Gallacher. Often the first man in the WRC Operating Theatre (if you've seen pictures you'll know it looks more like a surgical operating theatre than a garage!) in the mornings and the last man to leave at night, Arthur was still there in the dark last night putting dust on the oil spills dripped by rally cars as they queued up on the pristine white concrete apron in front of the workshops which were being used by the Scroots.

Arthur Gallacher and Top Scroot Rab MacDonald in a fankle!
I first met Arthur nearly 40 years ago when he was co-driving for his cousin, the late (and in my humble opinion, great) Drew Gallacher the only man to win four Scottish Rally Championship titles. But that's the measure of the man, never ask someone else to do what you're not prepared to do yourself. He's worked for Malcolm virtually from the start at Dovenby.

Anyway, back to the rally, and after yesterday's spring sunshine, it's dull, grey, wet and dreich this morning. And after the Wyedean and Snowman rallies earlier this year, snow tyres can be left in the vans today. That's not to say it won't be slippy and muddy, but the wee cars, the 1400s, FWD and Historic machines all run ahead of the 4WD brigade. And on that basis, it will be some time before we know who the pace setters even though the early runners are already in the forests as the big cars queue up for the Rally Start formalities in Cockermouth Main Street.

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