Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Rally - Snowman Rally Report

That's the Main Event Report for last weekend's Thistle Hotel Arnold Clark Snowman Rally up on the main website now. The reports on the Classes and their adventures will have to wait till later in the week - Birmingham beckons!

And just a wee note of apology for the many spelling mistakes and 'typos' in the on-event reports on this Blog last weekend. It wasn't intentional, it was entirely due to frozen fingers and a damp laptop. Honest.

And for those service area stalwarts at Muir of Ord who were wondering why I was sitting typing away in the blizzard with the Transit door wide open - it was only so I could get an internet signal on the Dongle. With the door shut, nothing, but with it open I was getting a glimmer of a satellite. New technology, eh?

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