Saturday, 14 March 2020

Rally - Lunch Halt

Although today’s Mull Hire Classic Rally is now in its closing stages, just don’t expect results any time soon. Although Rally HQ is on the west coast Inner Hebridean island at Craignure, Results HQ is in Glenrothes in the Kingdom of Fife on the east coast of Scotland. Due to the marvels of modern technology and the magic of Raymond Mann at Scotresults figures and timesheets are flying backwards and forwards through the air between the two ‘HQs’.

At the very busy lunchtime halt at Salen Hotel, it looked as though Andy Beaumont was leading the field in his Sunbeam Rapier, but we will have to wait till all the Marshals’ and Observers’ time sheets and score cards have been returned, inspected - and where necessary, penalties added! Not that I am expecting Andy to have any, but further down the field there are some eyebrow raising performances going on and questionable tactics being employed. Fortunately, the Mull CC and Saltire Classic Club stalwarts are on hand to ensure fair play and thwart any skulduggery.

Lunch provided a welcome break for the hard working crews and respite for the equally hard working and somewhat sodden Marshals. The girls at Salen Hotel dispensed hot soup, sandwiches and hot drinks with charm and personality, but it wasn’t quite enough for some.

After lunch and before the re-start Meurig McMillan’s boy Finn was spotted popping down to the shop for a multipack of crisps and a scotch pie. Now that’s what I call a diet!

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