Friday, 20 January 2012

Road - High and Mighty

Spotted this weird device at the LAMMA show, and no, it’s not a wheeled garage for Ranger Rovers, it’s simply a graphic way of demonstrating just how much clearance a self propelled crop sprayer can have.

Built by Agrifac in the Netherlands, the Condor self-propelled sprayer has a 200 cm ground clearance and the fold-out spraying arms open up to a working width of 48 metres – that’s nearly 80 feet sticking out on either side of the ‘tractor’ unit, and wider than a light aircraft wingspan, by a long way. Just imagine how many cyclists and pedestrians you could bowl over as you trundle along the byways if you happened to leave the spraying booms deployed!

The on-board tanks can carry anything from 2800 up to 7200 litres of crop spraying material and the whole system can be automatically controlled spraying from 50 to 250 litres per hectare depending on the location, the crop and the need.

It also features GPS automatic section control so no areas are inadvertently sprayed twice or missed, but it’s the hydraulically controlled legs that make this machine different and allow it to work on all types of crop no matter what the plant size.

Anyway, I just thought it looked rather different. Imagine turning up at the night club to pick up your daughter after a night out in this – yes, it’s got a passenger seat in it too! I wonder if I can get one on press appraisal?

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