Monday, 30 January 2012

Road - Car Hire by the Hour

Now here’s an idea that might appeal to some penny pinching or variety-starved motorists, Europcar has become the first UK company to launch a car and van hire by the hour service.

Ideal for those folks who have a Z4 in the drive and need an MPV to ferry the grown-up weans and friends to the airport at holiday time, or for those who just need a van to collect some big bits bought on Ebay.  Who knows, it might even suit those two-car families who might no longer really need a second car – just an excuse get rid of it and buy a bike!

Although prices start from just £10 an hour for car hire and £11 an hour for van, there is a minimum ‘two-hour hire rate’ rule, plus the usual insurance and licence limitations, but the idea certainly has merit.

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