Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Rally - Bob Milloy, Funeral

Bob Milloy's funeral will take place at Fishwicks Beetham Hall Crematorium, Beetham, Milnthorpe, LA7 7BQ,  at 2pm on Tuesday March 22nd. It's situated on the old A6 and coming from the north, it looks as though the best access is via Junction 36 on the M6.


As Bob specified, it will be non-religious and those attending should dress in a "non-funereal" manner.


An online tribute page has been created which will allow people to leave personalised tributes in memory of Bob. To use this facility please visit http://www.fishwicksltd.co.uk/ and click the donate button. You will then need to enter 'Robert Milloy' to gain access to his unique tribute page.


If travel to Cumbria is difficult, there will be an option to join in proceedings via the internet, either as they happen or for a few weeks afterwards. To connect please visit https://watch.obitus.com/fnV5UT using the Username: qovu7781 and Password: 471187 



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