Monday, 22 March 2021

A Minor Milestone

On Wednesday of last week (17th March), this Blog reached ONE million views - a minor milestone considering the huge worldwide reach of the Internet, but a major milestone for a personal Blog.

Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 3 months time, the motoring and motor sports journalist's Blog is followed by a unique cross-section of motor sports participants and fans, the general public and business professionals.

The Blog was introduced in 2011 to direct interested parties to the 'jaggybunnet' on-line magazine. This publication is dedicated to the sport of rallying in Scotland and motoring in general with a distinct Scottish flavour. It also reports on events farther afield which may be of interest to Scottish enthusiasts and is a regular source of news, information, entertainment, opinion and fun.

The inclusion of a 'general motoring' section provides additional material between events to maintain reader interest and numbers. There is nothing else like it in Scottish motor sport publishing.

The magazine itself was launched in 2008 followed by the Blog in 2011. Initially the Blog was a promotional tool for the magazine, but quickly gained a life of its own as smartphones became ever smarter.

The Blog is now used to report live from events (Covid permitting!) and directs readers to the more comprehensive reports in the on-line magazine, so it has become an integral part of the service.

Even the lack of rallying failed to stop the Blog reaching ONE million, with the regular publication of historical features and photos, news items and opinion pieces.

And the reason for this particular short post - the man himself is just pure dead chuffed.

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