Thursday, 5 November 2020

On the run

It would appear that regular dispatches in these pages from my big pal Jaggy might be in short supply in future. Apparently the big lad and his lady wife are on the run - from the Covidiastapo. Yesterday they were seen heading south by another motorist out of Tier 3 into a Tier 2 area and the jungle drums alerted QueenNicola's concrete bunker in Edinburgh.

Despite avoiding motorways and highways to reduce the risk of being stopped at Checkpoints, the Bunnet was spotted meandering along a 'B' road. Notoriety is a mixed blessing, eh?

Thankfully, the destination was reached without further interruption, a small chapel at a crematorium in a very rural setting. It's so very sad how this Covid carry-on has affected life and those who celebrate it.

The chapel had been re-arranged to comply with current regulations. Only six pews with a maximum of three persons per pew with doors and windows wide open to the elements. Just 18 folk gathered to celebrate the full life of a much loved and valued family member.

Friends and family from across three continents denied the chance to say their own goodbyes. Home town friends and neighbours given no chance to offer their thanks for lifelong friendships and personal contributions to rural town life, including the local museum and conservation trusts, the Scout group and the annual town Gala, plus many, many more. A void which will be hard to fill in years to come.

No hugs, no handshakes, just muted commiserations offered from behind masked faces. The small group of family and friends gathered in the chapel to the voices of Mario Lanza and John Hanson, superstar singers of yesteryear. There was no communal hymn singing or prayers, just a beautiful and touching tribute from a family friend and Church of Scotland 'Reader'.

All too soon the service was over and the small congregation dispersed to the cheerful melodic tones of Guy Mitchell "Singing the Blues". That may give some idea of the character of the lady we will now miss. Go on, look it up on the Internet or Youtube - you'll be whistling and singing that damn tune for days afterwards, and no doubt she'll be up there having a laugh at our expense. Thanks Bunty.

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