Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Funeral Details

Gordon Hastie’s funeral service will take place at 11am on Friday 27th at Stirling Crematorium.  Sadly, Covid19 restrictions mean that only close family will be able to attend. People will be allowed to stand outside the crematorium if they choose, although the audio of the service will not be relayed through the outdoor speakers - as this "may encourage gathering - and social distancing must be maintained by those who attend".


However, the service will be broadcast live online at:

Website:  https://www.obitus.com/

Username:  Foki6880

Password:  227155


The same link should take you to a recording after the weekend which will be available for 28 days for people who can’t attend at the time.


The family have also created a 'Just Giving' page as an alternative to a collection at the service, raising money for Maggie’s Centres who have provided tremendous support to the family over the past 19 months, and continue to do so.

If you want to donate please visit:




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