Wednesday 12 February 2014

Rally - Support YOUR Sport

Here’s a rallying call to arms - and legs as well. A call too for anoraks and gloves, woolly hats and wellies. Rallying needs your support.

The sport is fairly healthy in Scotland at present, but like all other sports it constantly needs new competitors and volunteers.

With the Snowman Rally almost upon us and Dunfermline Car Club planning something radically new in July, why not taste a forest, kiss some tarmac and listen to the mating call of a MkII in full flight this coming season. 

You know it’ll do you good.

So here’s a personal plea:


  1. John , I wholeheartedly agree with your points but something else that needs addressed is the severe shortage of organisers in our sport. It is being left to the same old faces , some of whom are getting overloaded with very few new young faces coming along. As an example , EACC has 380 odd members and at last weeks AGM , we had 10 people plus the committee turn up , none of whom were there to volunteer to take on a role.
    I personally have been trying to get away from organising rallies at Kames but no-one wants to take it on. I see this problem with other clubs too and its something that really does need addressed and soon.

  2. Aye it's a serious problem George, and one we're experiencing in my own club too. I actually wrote about this last year when I attended a Jim Clark Rally meeting and noted the numbers of grey and greying heads around the table. The big trouble is attracting youngsters, they take one look at the rules and regulations with which they have to comply and say 'stuff that!' But look on the bright side, we've now got a Scottish motor sports development officer - he'll solve everything. Has he visited Kames yet?
