Friday, 7 February 2014

Rally - Safety films

Three new films designed to help raise safety standards on rallies have been released by the Motorsport Safety Fund.

The ‘Rally Safety for Organisers’ film covers everything from how to build an organising team to planning and laying out a stage and dealing with the media.

‘Rally Safety for Marshals’ addresses all topics, from personal equipment and safety, to dealing with a serious incident, while the final film ‘Rally Safety for Competitors’ deals with issues ranging from personal preparation and fitness to car preparation and what to do in the event of an accident.

All three films are aimed both at newcomers to the sport, as well as more experienced competitors and are now available for downloading free from the Fund's website at:

Copies of a 3-in-1 DVD containing all three films can be purchased for £10, either via the website or from the Fund at PO Box 200, Sevenoaks TN15 8WZ.

The Motorsport Safety Fund was founded in 1974, following the death of F1 driver Roger Williamson, initially using funds donated in his memory, with the primary aim of educating marshals on fire fighting and rescue techniques. In 1987, it became a registered UK charity (number 296802), with the wider scope to generally aid improvements in safety standards in motorsport.

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