Sunday, 27 January 2013

Rally - BECC's 40th

Another grand night out, this time in snowy Kelso last night at the racecourse, and no repeat of the boozy affair in Perth a month ago. So no Police escort involved this time.

It was Border Ecosse Car Club's annual awards night and the club's 40th anniversary celebrations with a good crowd in attendance including two founder members.

Even more encouraging was the fact that a 16 year old was the club champion after three class wins and one second place during the year's Autocross series and second place in the end of season Autotest - his first ever autotest at that.

And a 40th birthday cake too!
A proud Dad, Kenny Hall looked on as Jonny stepped up to claim his awards with one wit observing that Jonny took home more silverware this year than his Dad did in 30 years of rallying. True? Not quite, but the point was made and generated a two finger digital salute from a proud parent.

The club also recognised the success of youngster Garry Pearson who received a special award for winning the 2012 MSA British Junior Rally Championship title. And there is more good news for the Brtish Championship, at least three BECC crews are considering contesting the BRC Challenge series this year with a fourth still swithering.

The barley broth was thick enough to walk across, the roast 100% beef  dinner was equine-free and the sweet course would have satisfied Victor Meldrew. And this being the racecourse, the prices were awfy reasonable, two G&Ts plus a ginger beer and lime for £8.60.

And did you know, the first ever honorary president of Border Ecosse Car Club in 1972 was one Roger Clark - yes, that one!

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