Tuesday 2 June 2020

Rallying's future

With reference to the previous (short?!) post, the full article has now been published in the on-line mag, nearly 2,000 words, so not for the faint hearted. It's been broken up into 4 pages, so your fingers won't get tired scrolling. We try to please!

If there is any positive feedback I'll pass it on when making my own submission to MS UK. Some thought the previous post was too negative while others thought it didn't go far enough. No wonder it's so difficult trying to find a positive and popular way forward to protect the future of the sport.  Everyone has their own opinion, but then that's democracy in action.

Whatever future actions Motorsport UK subsequently comes up with won't find favour in all quarters and will probably be subject to criticism and vitriol, but then that's the price of being a governing body. Someone's got to make a final decision.

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