Just as current lockdown restrictions are being
eased, so hopes were being ever so slightly raised that rallying could make a
return before the year was out. Both Mull and Wales Rally GB were continuing
with their event planning in the hope that some form of the sport could be
not. The news from Wales is that this year's world championship counter at the
end of October has been cancelled.
There was
no single 'definite' reason for the cancellation. It was all down to 'uncertainty'.
Uncertainty over restrictions on large scale gatherings, international travel
and the introduction of quarantine, not just for teams but for the fans too who
come from all over the country and abroad to witness the Welsh action.
It's not
the government's fault either. They and the scientists don't know whether the
virus is on the wane or just drawing breath for a second wave to strike, or
indeed how the virus may evolve. Apparently it's a tricky little lethal
As for trying
to exercise some form of restraint over crowds in the forests, forget it. That
would be like trying to empty a swimming pool with a pint mug - while it is
raining. Of course the majority of folks would heed the advice and guidance but
it's the lunatic fringe that always ruin it for the rest, and given the expanse
of terrain that a forest stage rally covers, there is no chance of guaranteeing
folks' safety.
The Mull
Rally organisers are facing a similar dilemma. However, there is one thing in
their favour - the rally takes place on an island. All we need is a 'Border
Control' at Oban and Lochaline.
Can you
imagine it? Eddie O'Donnell Senior manning 'Passport Control' on the pier with
a thermometer and a cattle prod.
crossed, eh?
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