Thursday, 8 December 2011

Rally - New Year at Croft

If you’re thinking of doing, or visiting, the Specsavers Christmas Stages Rally at Croft on Tuesday the 27th of December then don’t, ‘cos it has been moved to Monday the 2nd of January. It’s not the organisers’ fault, or the circuit owners, but it’s down to that stupid rule which permits Croft to have only ‘40’ noisy days per year.

This relates to the daft law enforced on the circuit organisers (and other motor sport venues around the country) by selfish, mean-spirited folks who bought or built houses near the circuit in the full knowledge that there was a racing circuit nearby - then complained! What’s next, complaints about farmers with tractors in the neighbouring fields, the wind whistling through the trees and church bells on a Sunday? Crikey, weans will have to tip-toe to school!

Anyway, the Northallerton Automobile Club has around 80 entries at present including one from last year’s winners Dale Robertson and Paul McGuire, so if the hangover has disappeared by the 2nd this will provide a ‘guid blaw’ to clear out the sinuses.

Speaking of circuit based rallies, Border Ecosse CC have got Regs out for their Grant Construction Knockhill Stages Rally on the 8th of January. Last January’s event provided a cracking day out in the snow, so goodness knows what next month will bring.

Full details in the Latest News in:

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