As pop bands come and go, so tribute acts come and go too,
depending on the original stars' level of popularity. The bigger the band, the
more tribute acts they inspire. The trouble is some of these emulators jumping
on the tribute bandwagon can fall disappointingly low in terms of visual
imagery and sound quality.
Popular throughout the 1970s, the elegantly attired and expensively
coiffured Three Degrees enthralled a burgeoning pop cultured nation with a string of hits including 'When
Will I See You Again', 'A Woman Needs a Good Man', 'Take Good Care of Yourself'
and 'Dirty Ol' Man'. Tuneful melodies which inspired their own adulative
imitators. Sadly, the genuine Three Degrees have now hirpled off the public stage,
but the tribute acts go on, although some take their search for authenticity to
extreme levels.
Spotted in an Elgin public car park last weekend was this politically
incorrect group of crooning artistes, apparently known as the Three Degreasers.
At the conclusion of their world tour of the north east, they were rehearsing
for their final show in the Lounge Bar of Elgin's Muckle Cross nightspot. If
you do see any of these people in your neighbourhood, please avoid at all costs
- or wear ear plugs.
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