Thursday, 22 July 2021

Rally - Mach1 Blethers

 That’s the few pieces of printable gossip that can be published in a politically correct, family mag like ‘jaggybunnet’ now on line.

As for the adjoining picture, the Bruce family shows that there is hope for the future of rallying and rally marshalling with three generations manning the Special Stage Start Line. Fred Bruce was there with his father Andrew and 15 year old daughter Lauren. It appears that Lauren is every bit as keen as Grandpops Andrew. 

All we need now is a few more families like the Bruce clan, eh? Also in the picture is Stage Commander Wilma. 

The digital age may replace timekeepers and timecards, but it can’t replace Marshals. Think about it, if we replaced Marshals with robots, what would the midges feed on – they are species too!

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