Saturday, 10 April 2021

A Little Bit of Housekeeping

I must apologise for the lack of rally stuff these past few months. Oddly enough there haven't been an awful lot of events on which to report. You'd think there was something wrong in the world. Given the enforced lack of activity it has to be admitted, there were serious thoughts about hanging up the pen, ditching the notebook and pensioning off the computer to spend more time in the garden and greenhouse.

However quite a few private messages, emails to my personal address and phone calls have been received over these past few months expressing some relief and thanks for keeping the on-line mag, Blog and FB page going. Apparently quite a few of you appreciate it, even the nonsense.  So thank you for that.

Most of these contacts have come after an Obituary has been published and that seems to be a much appreciated service. Over the past six months the on-line magazine has recorded the passing of Phil Walker, Gordon Hastie, Reay MacKay, Farquhar MacRae, Johnstone Syer and Bill Taylor all of whom made their mark and will be sorely missed. Since no-one else is doing it, someone should. The sport of rallying is so intense in Scotland that everyone knows, knows of, or knows someone who knows most folks involved, and so when we lose someone, we all feel the loss.

That appears to have prompted requests for more. For instance, some folks wondered why there were no tributes following Hannu Mikkola's sad departure and David Sutton, both well known to the sport in Scotland, or even the late Murray Walker.

The reason is simple, the 'jaggybunnet' on-line magazine is about all things Scottish and Scottish rallying plus other sporting and motoring matters which are intended to be of interest to Scottish fans. This brief is quite simple as there is no other 'national' Scottish magazine or newsletter devoted to all things Scottish, hence obituaries for other folks are best left to those who know them better and are more knowledgeable.

For that reason the on-line mag and social media outlets have continued even though there has been little to write about, hence much of the nonsense which has appeared of late. Having said that we need a bit of nonsense to brighten our lives these days and fortunately my big pal Jaggy is full of that. So until things pick up again, there will continue to be a variety of topics covered, issues addressed and nonsense reported whilst staying within the brief. OK?

As the shy, retiring and quiet type myself I will leave the nonsense to Jaggy. In fact he was telling me the other day what keeps him sane in these quietly depressing times.

It was a tug on his 'lockdown and stay-home' eight month pony tail from someone seeking a bit of attention! Apparently there were some rubber bricks needing to be built up into columns, purely so they could be knocked down again, and a ride-along, push-along truck needing to be loaded and pushed. A Grandpa's job is never done.

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