Monday, 15 May 2023

Rally - No free pens

If anyone reading the previous post thinks I was won over by the kindness and generosity of the folks at Extreme E and the hospitality on offer, then think again. I travelled to and from the venue at my own expense, although I did succumb to the offer of a free lunch. I had a cup of soup, two wee slices of bread, a cup of coffee and a fizzy drink (non-alcoholic), and that was only because my sandwiches were in the van which was in the car park a mile away from the actual site. In fact we were shuttled to and fro by electric bus!

There were no gifts, no free branded baseball hats, not even a free pen. All I have done is relay the information that I gleaned on the day from the questions which I asked. The people were very open, even the furriners who were struggling with the Scottish accent.

There was a fully equipped and staffed Media Tent but no Press inducements. I have reported what I saw and heard and folks can make up their own minds as to what has been written here. More could have been written and each point justified but that would have made the article much, much longer. And yet, no matter what has been published, the cynics will remain unconvinced, I just wrote up what I saw and heard!

In all fairness, there was indeed an extensive lunch on offer in the catering marquee but I took one look at the Menu – that was ‘extreme’. No wonder I opted for the cup of soup!

No pies, no chips, and no baked beans.

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