Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Rally - Knockhill Chatter

If you thought Scottish rallying was going to get any more sensible this year than last think again. Getaway cars, excess weight and dangerous cooking - just another typical day amongst rally folks, that's the News & Gossip from the Grant Construction Knockhill Stages Rally now in the on-line mag.

On another point, some of you may have noticed a slight change in the Snowman Rally report in this week's 'Motorsport News'. Although the main report was compiled by MN's erstwhile, long serving (long suffering?) Northern British rallying correspondent the Class roundup section actually bore the name of Stephen Brunsdon.

Stephen has been reporting on motor races all over Englandshire for the past two years for the weekly paper, but has never been to a rally. As part of his 'apprenticeship' and exposure to other forms of motor sport, MN thought it a good idea for him to get some rally experience. In their wisdom they sent him to shadow yours truly.

My thanks to all of you who made Stephen feel welcome in this harsh and alien environment. It makes you realise there are many things we take for granted in this sport, from Stage Bogey Times to Route Notes, from 'Target time' to 'dead time', not to mention a complicated class structure, but I thought 'the boy dun good'!

Just one thing, I'm not sure if I helped him or put him off. Time will tell.

Whatever, I'll put the main, comprehensive after-rally Snowman Report up on Jaggy's website later this week with Class roundup and the usual News & Gossip to follow.

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