There has been much in the national and world news of
late to exercise the headline writers and opinionated columnists in the wider
Press. Otherwise we would have had more sensationalist coverage of events
during the Isle of Man TT last week. Five riders lost their lives - the same
number who have succumbed to the dangerous attractions of the Scottish hills
and mountains so far this year.
But motorcyclists are a stoic bunch. They know the risks and they
accept them. So do their families. One life lost is one too many, but it is an
accepted risk in this most intoxicating and yet dangerous of sports.
At the time, lives, hopes and ambitions were remembered, individual respects
paid, and the sport moved on. No doubt families and friends will continue their
own personal and private mourning on their return home to a much changed
On that basis, you'd think that their four wheeled counterparts would
have an equally philosophical outlook. Perhaps not. Following the tragic accident
during the 2014 Japanese GP and the subsequent death of Jules Bianchi nine
months later, the circumstances are still under investigation.
So too is the outcome of the Jim Clark Rally in the same year.
Of course you can't compare like with like. Different sets of
statistics and different outcomes but there is one common aspect. It wasn't
spectators who suffered those fatalities.
Admittedly there were complications with the rally case. Proceedings
were further delayed when our political masters requested the Lord Advocate to
prioritise his inquiry into the 'Glasgow Bin Lorry Crash' and we all know how
that judgement was received.
And just when things were looking hopeful on the motor sports front, he
decided to retire from his position - before he had finished the job! That
means a new Lord Advocate, likely to be James Wolfe QC, will have to take over
the current cases. It is to be hoped that he will be a bit more considerate and
decisive than the somewhat controversial previous incumbent of this high
But back to the IoM TT. What a week. Fabulous racing and a new outright
lap record. Michael Dunlop on the BMW S 1000 RR rounded off a record-breaking
week riding a sub-17 minute lap time to establish a new record of 133.962 mph
for the 37 mile course.

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