What it doesn’t do is detail the immense amount of additional work being undertaken by amateur rally organisers right across the country who are endeavouring to comply with the new rules and trying to cope with the increased workload.
And as the sport approaches the end of the first year of this ‘new regime’ there are still many folk out there who think the future of rallying is safe and that it will all blow over next year. Nae chance!
If you simply read the contents of the MSA report it doesn’t sound as though much has changed or much needs to change, but behind the scenes there has been huge turmoil at club and regional association level right across the country.
It’s not just a question of implementing these new rules, they will have to continue next year - and be seen to be continuing. The Scottish Government has been intrinsically involved at all stages of the process this year and will continue to oversee progress next year to assure themselves that the sport has taken note and is working towards full compliance.
If the sport gets a Report Card from the teacher this year, then it should get a nice big ‘Tick’ in the box, but if standards slip next year it will be a big ‘X’, and that will signal the end of multi-venue rallying in this country as we know it.
The vast majority of spectators have also been heeding the new rules, but clubs can’t afford to let standards slip next year. A culture change is required in how folk attend and watch rallies. They might not like it, but most of them understand why it is being done and progress is encouraging.
Their support continues to be essential just as clubs need more manpower and rallying needs more marshals.
The sport isn’t out of the woods yet !!
Full MSA Release here:
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