Friday, 15 July 2011

Rally - Kames Time Trial

East Ayrshire Car Club has got just over 20 entries for Sunday's (17th July) Kames Trophy Time Trial at Kames in Muirkirk, so if you've got nothing better to do and the weather is stopping you working in the garden, why not get wet at Kames instead.

It's not a proper stage rally as such, but it's good crack and you can pay at the gate which is great for club funds.

And if it is wet, then it could double the fun, especially with the likes of Bernie Rooney being let loose in a rear wheel drive BMW 325 - he needs bump stops on his steering rack! And if it's too wet to see anything there will still be something to do - lie back and listen to Robin Hamilton's Metro 6R4, that'l be worth the trip alone.

For nostalgia fans, Alan Gardiner will be there in his Millington engined, sequentially gerboxed, MkI and Martin Elsdon will be bringing his big MkII.

I reckon it will be a right hoot. The first run is scheduled to start at 09.30 Hrs and it should be all over by mid afternoon.

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