Thursday, 24 December 2015

Jaggy's Christmas Message

It has almost become something of a tradition this side of the rallying border, that a certain J Bunnet Esq issues his own festive statement to the nation just like the politicians and the Queen's speech on Christmas Day - that's Queen Liz by the way, not Queen Nic!

The tradition was no doubt started by said parsimonious personage to save the cost of stamps (13 shillings in real money for 1st class these days!) so here below is Jaggy's comment on the year past and his hopes and wishes for the future.  And if you haven't yet got a Christmas card from him, this is it.

(( Note: Photograph taken at the Christmas market in New St Even’s Town, a quaint hamlet in McRaeshire, home of the Laird of MacHanical Mayhem himself, J Bunnet Esq ))

An Ode ... Season's Greetings and Festive Felicitations

Things looked grim at start of year
Our sport was under threat
Queen Nic from Holyrood was on our case
Upon us, a civil servant she did set

The M.S.A. was called to act
Plus many helping hands
Car clubs and foresters all pitched in
To meet the Queen’s demands

The sport for sure has turned around
But not every one agrees
Some say the fun has gone for good
In order to appease

Now that the work has been completed
Old practices used no more
Dispensation has been granted
Allowing rally cars to roar

The future still remains uncertain
We must practice what’s been preached
Remaining always safe and vigilant
Or Queen Nic will have us beached

Our thanks to all for efforts made
And the staff of M.S.A.
( Those fellows of MacScrooge Academy
as they are better known by the way)

So think of all those good samaritans
At this Christmas and New Year time
Without their efforts and our goodwill
This could have been the end of the line

So let’s leave the final words
As stated in a film anew
By my Star Wars pal Smokeybaccy
 “May the forests be with you!”

Wishing all of youse awrabest, from all at Castle Bunnet 

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