Saturday, 18 January 2025

Rally - Simpler times

Not that I want to rub your noses in it, but it’s that time of year when all you weans, teens, youngsters, baby boomers, middle agers and auld gits seeks to renew competition licences. However, I came across something which might be of interest.

As you struggle with the latest version of the 6 page, 7 section, intrusive multi-question ‘Application for a 2025 Competition Licence’ form after having successfully negotiated the new ‘log-in’ to the latest subscription process (and Good Luck if this is your first time!) I thought you might have a little time to ponder and reflect with blissful nostalgia on simpler times.

As you watch the three figure sums disappear from your bank account, sit back, put your feet up and read the paragraphs in the enclosed photo which show a page from the 1985 RAC MSA Blue Book. Forty years ago, the one page postal process resulted in the receipt of one cardboard Competition Licence with its own little plastic protective wallet.

Back then a National Rally Licence was a costly 16 quid, now it’s 185. By my limited maths ability that’s an increase of over 1000% . By the way, the average price for a litre of petrol back in ’85 was 43 pence. That’s an increase of some 225%. Oh, and just for interest, a Cibie Super Oscar (ask your Dad) was 20 quid and you could buy a 13 inch Yokohama forest rally tyre for under 30 quid.

Can you stand any more? How about an Entry Fee of £375 (£500 - trade) for the 4 day, 1100 mile RSAC Scottish Rally with 50 stages totalling some 275 miles? Makes you want to weep, doesn’t it?

Happy days, eh? But that’s progress, or is it?

Oops, my tea has gone cold – must be the tears dripping into it!


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