Sunday, 24 July 2016

Rally - Boys on bikes

With regard to the previous post, of course, that was one James S McRae riding a 250cc Beamish Suzuki. But here's another teaser. Could it be that the normally shy and retiring J Bunnet Esq was captured on film on the same boys' day out? 

If truth be known, Jaggy's first love is bikes and trials. In fact the Beamish was his first competition machine. His descent into the pot-holed and rutted world of rallying was down entirely to the efforts and misdirection by one man (his Boss at that time!) and being in the right place at the wrong time. So here's another pic of James on his own Yamaha and what looks like the Bunnet on the Beamish - and just look at that style!

So what prompted this trawl through old photos? I was looking for one in particular for another reason - anyone interested in seeing what it was? And it has nothing to do with cars.

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