Monday, 30 September 2024

Book - More Progress

There’s good news and not so good news on the book front ahead of Christmas. The good news is that there will be more pages, more colour, more words and more photos in the forthcoming ‘Scottish Rally Championship 1990-1999’ book but I suppose the bad news is that it will cost more! On the other hand we’re looking at an early November publishing date – just in time for Christmas!!

But don’t blame me, blame the folk who bought the first book and then asked for more of everything! However, the format remains the same, the first part of the book will contain over 80 individual rally reports from each individual round of the championship during this ten year period. The reports are also longer therefore offering more detail on the events and those who took part and each chapter concludes with a top ten Championship leaderboard with points.

The second part of the book is again split up into photographic sections and there are many more colour photographs this time, although still a few Black & Whites from ‘the good ol’ days’ of Scottish forest rallying, many of which have never before been published. As such this will provide a great old nostalgic wallow through times past.

Also as last time, the front cover will feature a pic of one rally car. Deciding who would feature on the front cover last time was dead easy. Ken Wood and Peter Brown were the only crew to win three Scottish titles during the 1980s decade so they were a natural.

However, during the ten years of the 1990s there were ten different Scottish Champions so no obvious choice for prime position. Which begs the question, who did I choose? And who would you choose? And are we all going to fall out over my choice? Oh, and by the way, the chosen image is a cracking pic – one of the late Tom Coffield’s action photos.

Anyway all will be revealed shortly and my reasons for my choice, but will it match yours?

And here are some more pics that didn’t make the final cut with Donald Milne wishing he had bought a corset in a larger size, the Jaffray carriage with the crew Mr Happy and Mr Bumble all fired up and ready for action, and the inimitable ‘Smiffy’ promoting his own brand range of clothing!!

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