Thursday, 8 August 2024

Book - Getting there

Went for a drive on Tuesday and paid a visit to - the proof readers. Rodger and Susan now have the full draft of the text for the next book - ‘The Scottish Rally Championship 1990-1999’ - for correction/approval, both grammatical and spelling. Meanwhile I’ve got over 400 photographs needing a caption!

This book has taken a wee bit longer than I had hoped but that’s all the previous buyers of the first book’s fault. The general consensus was that they/you wanted longer reports, more stories and more pictures! We-ll, job done.

Once I get the proof back and corrections made it will be a trip to the printer and a chat with David the designer and then we’ll get this underway. I’ve already had three more folk seeking an advert in this one so if there are any more let me know.

Onwards and upwards, eh?

Meanwhile the first book is still for sale along with the ‘Murmurs’ book, see below:

1 comment:

  1. I just finished reading Getting There and that was really quite amazing. Many people’s life stories are interesting and informative, as they can show how one can solve various difficulties. I also learned that striving for lesser achievements and tracking your progress with a gpa calculator uk indeed helps in getting to where you want to be.
