Saturday, 13 July 2024

A national injustice

If it has done little else, the ongoing 'European Shirt-Tuggers and Shin-Kickers Championship' has once again highlighted a great injustice within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Whilst Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own BBC Scotland, BBC Wales and BBC Northern Ireland radio and television services, England doesn't. And that surely is unfair to the English. They should indeed have their own channels.

It is because they don't that the BBC continues to broadcast items of English news and current affairs to the whole of the UK, whether the rest of us want it or not. And while it would be nice for our neighbours to win this 'Euro kickabout' it will mean that the rest of us will be subjected to never-ending reminders, re-runs and replays, and ongoing punditry for days, weeks and possibly months to come. And gawd forbid they should lose, as the ongoing insights, comments, criticism and blame would add to this purgatory for the rest of us. 

So let's hope that this oversight by the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation will be corrected as a matter of urgency before the tears/blood start running out of the nation's tellies, whether through joy or despair.

Surely it is time that the English had their very own TV and radio channels just like the rest of us and allow them to wallow in their own personal joy/grief to their hearts content. Why should they be deprived of such a service?

Perhaps we should organise a petition so that they can join the rest of the home nations with their own media outlets and let the BRITISH Broadcasting Company concentrate on BRITISH news for all of us. 

It's only fair, isn't it?

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